In this work you’ll find this quote or deviations of it repeatedly:
“It is easier to build up a child than it is to repair an adult…Choose your words wisely”. In my variation this quote ends like this… “Choose your words and actions wisely”.
I know this from my own childhood experiences of abuse and feelings of betrayal. I did not have a place I could call “Home”.
Many times, I’d ask myself why me? What’s the point of all this? A child should not have to live being afraid of what tomorrow will bring or if there’ll even be a tomorrow.
The scars are countless and many are overwhelming. The healing has been a very long and emotional passage. One which I would not wish on my worst enemy, let alone on a “family member”.
Home was not a refuge for the major part of my childhood and or adulthood for that matter. The childhood era was not by choice, but the adulthood segment I’d have to blame myself for the countless mistakes I made. A path I vowed not to continue since I currently know better.
So, I made a promise to myself that once I’m completely healed and able to grasp total control of my life, I’d create a place I can truly call “home”.
I’m confident that my journey of healing is rapidly coming to an end and that shortly I’ll be able to embrace what I so longed for, “Peace”.