Great Emergence

Great Emergence

The year 2010 was the year of great emergence for me.  Much pain, resentment and sorrow began to surface when my long-lost family in Puerto Rico found me on Facebook.  

My older sister from my mothers’ side found me in July.  She had been searching for me since 1987, keeping a promise to my aunts and uncles to find me. They had been desperately looking for their lost “sister” as they viewed me…the last time they saw me was in 1960.

Then one of my brothers from my fathers’ side found me on Christmas day. He still calls it “A Christmas Miracle”.  He had been searching since 1994, when my biological father told him he had a sister and he became aware of my existence,   

That’s when the whys began and reliving the pain I had buried long ago, so deeply that not even my children knew about became my new existence.

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